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The most successful movies, first aired in 1964 year

1. Mary Poppins (1964)
The movie combines songs, color and sequences of live action blended with the movements of animated figures...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 103 078 700

IMDb: 7.8/10  (188 525)
User Rating:  6.2/10
Votes: 4
2. Per un pugno di dollari (1964)
Italy, Spain, West Germany
An anonymous, but deadly man rides into a town torn by war between two factions, the Baxters and the Rojo's...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 14 516 248

IMDb: 7.9/10  (237 302)
User Rating:  8.0/10
Votes: 1
3. A Hard Day's Night (1964)
United Kingdom
The Beatles--the world's most famous rock and roll band--travel from their home town of Liverpool to London to perform in a television broadcast...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 2 360 561

IMDb: 7.5/10  (48 730)
4. Soy Cuba (1964)
Cuba, Soviet Union
This study of Cuba--partially written by renowned poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko--captures the island just before it made the transition to a post-revolutionary society...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 274 098

IMDb: 8.2/10  (11 010)
User Rating:  7.5/10
Votes: 2
5. Becket (1964)
United Kingdom, USA
As the story opens, King Henry II, who ruled England from 1154 to 1189 has entered Canterbury Cathedral to do penance at the tomb of his former friend, Thomas Becket...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 149 327

IMDb: 7.8/10  (16 112)
6. Matrimonio all'italiana (1964)
Italy, France
Domenico, a successfull businessman, with an eye for the girls, begins an affair with Filumena when she is 17 years old...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 131 153

IMDb: 7.4/10  (11 439)
7. La peau douce (1964)
Pierre Lachenay, a middle-aged, well-known publisher and lecturer, is married to Franca, an unbalanced woman, and father of Sabine, a 10-year-old girl...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 13 118

IMDb: 7.5/10  (8 558)
8. Kiss Me, Stupid (1964)
Dino, the charming and lecherous Las Vegas singer, stops for gas on his way to Hollywood in Climax, Nevada...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 8 869

IMDb: 6.9/10  (8 735)
User Rating:  7.0/10
Votes: 1
9. Marnie (1964)
Marnie Edgar is a habitual liar and a thief who gets jobs as a secretary and after a few months robs the firms in question, usually of several thousand dollars...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 7 095

IMDb: 7.1/10  (54 635)
10. Il deserto rosso (1964)
Italy, France
In a bleak rundown industrial area a young woman, Giuliana, tries to cope with life...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 7 076

IMDb: 7.5/10  (17 974)
11. Comizi d'amore (1964)
Microphone in hand, Pier Paolo Pasolini asks Italians to talk about sex: he asks children where babies come from, young and old women if they are men's equals, men and women if a woman's virginity matters, how they view homosexuals, how sex and honor connect, if divorce should be legal, and if they support closing the brothels (the Merlina Act)...
Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 2 248

IMDb: 7.5/10  (2 690)