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My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1980 February, 1
93 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Romance
Production Company:
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 7 653 061

Dominick DiNapoli has always been a big kid who loved eating. It was his favorite thing. Then his cousin dies from health complications due to a lack of exercise and improper diet. Antoinette, Dominick's sister, makes him promise to see a diet doctor and lose some weight. This is very hard for Dominick, but he tries. He also finds motivation when he meets Lydia, and he discovers a love that is more intense than his love of food. He spends so much time kissing and walking around with Lydia that he no longer eats as many unhealthy things, and he loses weight without even trying. - IMDb

Children's Cast:

David Comfort Anthony
Natasha Ryan [9] Ann Marie
Andy Lambros [10] Dom (Age 8)
Augustine Ledesma Dom Age 7

The most successful movies. Year: 1980

1. The Blues Brothers (1980)
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$ 115 229 890
2. Superman II (1980)
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$ 108 185 706
3. Airplane! (1980)
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$ 83 453 539
4. The Blue Lagoon (1980)
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$ 58 853 106
5. The Shining (1980)
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$ 45 655 744
28. Fatso (1980)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 7 653 061
