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Thank You for Smoking

Thank You for Smoking (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2005 September, 9
92 minutes
Comedy / Drama
$ 6 500 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 39 323 027


Photos (3)

The chief spokesperson and lobbyist Nick Naylor is the Vice-President of the Academy of Tobacco Studies. He is talented in speaking and spins argument to defend the cigarette industry in the most difficult situations. His best friends are Polly Bailey that works in the Moderation Council in alcohol business, and Bobby Jay Bliss of the gun business own advisory group SAFETY. They frequently meet each other in a bar and they self-entitle the Mod Squad a.k.a. Merchants of Death, disputing which industry has killed more people. Nick's greatest enemy is Vermont's Senator Ortolan Finistirre, who defends in the Senate the use a skull and crossed bones in the cigarette packs. Nick's son Joey Naylor lives with his mother, and has the chance to know his father in a business trip. When the ambitious reporter Heather Holloway betrays Nick disclosing confidences he had in bed with her, his life turns upside-down. But Nick is good in what he does for the mortgage. - IMDb

История пробивного PR-агента крупной табачной кампании, основная работа которого – противостоять активным антитабачным настроениям, зарождающимся в обществе и политикам, пытающимся ввести различные запреты и ограничения на торговлю сигаретами. Он успешно проповедует безвредность курения на телевидении, осуществляет PR-кампании в прессе и занимается продвижением образов курильщиков в кино. Карьера идет в гору, но в какой-то момент он начинает задумываться, в каком свете он предстает перед своей семьей и своим маленьким сыном...

Cảm Ơn Vì Hút Thuốc Vietnam
Ďakujeme, že fajčíte Slovakia
Dekui, kad rūkot! Lithuania
Dekujeme, ze kourite Czechoslovakia
Dziękujemy za palenie Poland
Gracias por fumar Argentina
Gracias por fumar Spain
Gracias por fumar Mexico
Gracias por fumar Uruguay
Gracias por fumar Venezuela
Hvala što pušite Croatia
Hvala, ker kadite Slovenia
Kiitos että poltatte Finland
Köszönjük, hogy rágyújtott! Hungary
Merci de fumer Canada
Multumim ca fumati! Romania
Obrigado por Fumar Brazil
Obrigado por Fumar Portugal
Sigara İçtiğiniz İçin Teşekkürler Turkey
Smēķēt atļauts Latvia
Tack för att ni röker Finland
Tack för att ni röker Sweden
Thank You for Smoking Israel
Thank You for Smoking India
Thank You for Smoking India
Thank You for Smoking Italy
Thank You for Smoking South Korea
Thank You for Smoking Netherlands
Thank You for Smoking Sweden
Thank You for Smoking Singapore
Thank You for Smoking Australia
Thank You for Smoking USA
Thank You for Smoking South Africa
Thank You for Smoking Canada
Thank You for Smoking West Germany
Thank You for Smoking Denmark
Thank You for Smoking Ecuador
Thank You for Smoking Finland
Thank You for Smoking France
Thank You for Smoking United Kingdom
Thank You for Smoking Greece
Thank You for Smoking Indonesia
Thank You Smoking Japan
Благодаря за пушенето Bulgaria
Дякуємо за куріння Ukraine
Здесь курят Russia
Спасибо за курение Russia
Тут палять Ukraine
Хвала што пушите Serbia
サンキュー・スモーキング Japan
感谢你抽烟 China
烟幕 China
烟草之王 China
谢谢你抽烟 China
銘謝吸煙 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Cameron Bright [12] Joey Naylor
Jordan Garrett [12] Kid #2
Courtney Taylor Burness [9] Kid #3
Rachel Thorp [11] Flighty Girl
Jordan Del Spina [10] Kid #4

The most successful movies. Year: 2005

1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 896 420 762
2. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 850 035 635
3. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 745 013 115
4. War of the Worlds (2005)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 591 745 532
5. King Kong (2005)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 550 517 357
76. Thank You for Smoking (2005)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 39 323 027
