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The Hebrew Hammer

The Hebrew Hammer (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2003 January, 23
85 minutes
$ 2 000 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 94 615


Video (1)

Mordechai Jefferson Carver, aka the Hebrew Hammer, is an orthodox Jewish stud who goes on a mission to save Hanukkah. When Santa Claus's evil son Damian is pushed over the edge by his father's liberal policies, he does away with the Christian patriarch. Subsequently stepping into his father's role, Damian launches a campaign to eradicate the Jewish Holiday. The Hammer joins forces with Esther Bloomenbergensteinenthal, the gorgeous and dangerous daughter of the leader of the Jewish Justice League; and his brother-in-arms Mohammed Ali Paula Abdul Rahim, the head of the Kwanzaa Liberation Front, to topple Santa's evil progeny and to save Hanukkah for future generations of Jews. - IMDb

Злой сын Санта Клауса Дэмиан вместе со своим подручным оленем Блитценом захватывает власть на Северном полюсе. Он мечтает искоренить еврейский зимний праздник Хануку. Узнав об этом, супергерой Мордехай Джефферсон Карвер в компании знойной и смертоносной Эстер, дочери Вождя ЛЕСа (Лиги Еврейской Справедливости) Блуменбергенштайненталя, и Лидера ФАКа (Фронта Асвабаждения Кванзы) Мохаммеда Али Полы Абдул Рахима отправляется на Северный полюс разбираться с Дэмианом Клаусом.

Hammer o exolothreftis (cable TV title) Greece
Héber pöröly Hungary
The Hebrew Hammer Australia
The Hebrew Hammer Canada
The Hebrew Hammer United Kingdom
The Hebrew Hammer Israel
The Hebrew Hammer USA
O Super Garanhão Portugal
Еврейският чук Bulgaria
Убойный молот Russia

Children's Cast:

Jan Uczkowski [6] Kmart Shopper
Grant Rosenmeyer [11] Young Mordechai
Jason Fuchs [16] Adolescent Hasidic Boy
Harrison Chad [10] Schlomo

The most successful movies. Year: 2003

1. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 120 424 614
2. Finding Nemo (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 940 343 261
3. The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
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$ 741 847 937
4. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
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$ 654 264 015
5. Bruce Almighty (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 484 592 874
250. The Hebrew Hammer (2003)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 94 615
