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The Mighty Ducks

Bombay (USA)
Los campeones (USA)
Champions (Australia)
D1: The Mighty Ducks (USA: new title)
The Mighty Ducks Are the Champions (United Kingdom: video box title)
The Mighty Ducks (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1992 September, 20
104 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Family / Sport
$ 10 000 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 50 752 337


Photos (9)

Gordon Bombay, a hotshot lawyer, is haunted by memories of his childhood, when, as the star player in his champion hockey team, he lost the winning goal in a shootout, thereby losing the game, and the approval of his coach. After being charged for drunk driving, the court orders him to coach a peewee hockey team, the worst in the league, Gordon is at first very reluctant. However, he eventually gains the respect of the kids and teaches them how to win, gaining a sponsor on the way and giving the team the name of The Ducks. In the finals, they face Gordon's old team, coached by Gordon's old coach, giving Gordon a chance to face old ghosts. - IMDb

Когда-то в юности адвокат Гордон Бомбей играл в хоккей. Через много лет судьба снова дает ему шанс вернуться в большой спорт. За правонарушение он приговорен городскими властями к общественным работам в качестве тренера детской хоккейной команды, самой худшей в лиге. Подопечные Гордона не умеют кататься на коньках, все время промахиваются мимо ворот и созданы только для того, чтобы проигрывать. Адвокат называет свою команду "Могучие утята" и начинает готовить ее к победе. Приближается долгожданный финал...

Băieții de la Mighty Ducks Romania
Bombay USA
Los campeones Argentina
Los campeones Mexico
Los campeones USA
Champions Australia
Champions Denmark
Champions United Kingdom
Champions Norway
D1: The Mighty Ducks (new title) USA
D3 マイティ・ダックス 飛べないアヒル3 Japan
A Hora dos Campeões Portugal
Jeu de puissance Canada
Kerge kacsák Hungary
Mästarna Sweden
Mestarit Finland
Mestarit - Kiekkokaukalon kauhut (video box title) Finland
Mighty Ducks - Das Superteam West Germany
The Mighty Ducks Are the Champions (video box title) United Kingdom
The Mighty Ducks Singapore
The Mighty Ducks USA
The Mighty Ducks South Africa
The Mighty Ducks United Arab Emirates
The Mighty Ducks Canada
The Mighty Ducks Ecuador
The Mighty Ducks United Kingdom
The Mighty Ducks Israel
The Mighty Ducks India
The Mighty Ducks Netherlands
The Mighty Ducks Philippines
Nenugalimieji 'Antinai' Lithuania
Nós Somos os Campeões Brazil
Oi mikroi protathlites (transliterated title) Greece
Les petits champions France
Potężne Kaczory Poland
Somos los mejores Spain
Stoffa da campioni Italy
Οι μικροί πρωταθλητές Greece
Великите патета Bulgaria
Могутні каченята Ukraine
Могучие утята Russia
野鴨變鳳凰 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Brock Pierce [11] Gordon at 10 Years Old
Danny Tamberelli [10] Tommy
Garette Ratliff Henson [12] Guy Germaine
Joshua Jackson [14] Charlie Conway
Vincent Larusso [14] Adam Banks
Brandon Quintin Adams [13] Jesse Hall
J.D. Daniels [12] Peter
Jussie Smollett [9] Terry Hall
Matt Doherty [14] Les Averman
Elden Henson [15] Fulton Reed
Marguerite Moreau [15] Connie
Aaron Schwartz [11] Dave Karp
Shaun Weiss [14] Goldberg
Kyle Pittman [6] Kid

The most successful movies. Year: 1992

1. Aladdin (1992)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 504 050 219
2. The Bodyguard (1992)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 411 006 740
3. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 365 070 556
4. Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 321 731 527
5. Dracula (1992)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 215 862 692
15. The Mighty Ducks (1992)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 50 752 337
