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Clear and Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1994 August, 3
141 minutes
Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller
$ 62 000 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 215 887 717


Video (1)

Photos (1)

Based upon the Tom Clancy novel of the same name, Jack Ryan, a CIA analyst, is thrust right in the middle of a power struggle within the Colombian drug cartel after one of the President's "life long" friends is murdered, apparently in retaliation for stealing money as part of a money laundering scheme for the cartel. Jack is then appointed acting Deputy Director of Intelligence, CIA, upon the terminal illness of Admiral James Greer, former DDI, and quickly gets in over his head due to his political naivete. The situation rapidly deteriorates when some of the presidents men convince the President to conduct covert actions against the cartel, in direct violation of congress. Felix Cortez, the security chief of Ernesto Escobeda, the "victim" of the missing money, is one of the cartel boss's. Cortez tries to play both sides, appearing to inform Escobeda about the CIA's involvement in the covert operations against him, while trying to orchestrate a coup to take over the cartel, with Cortez as it's sole boss. James Cutter, the President's National Security Advisor, makes his own deal with Cortez, with the Presidents knowledge, and halts communications to the covert troops still in Colombia, through the Deputy Director of Operations, CIA, Robert Ritter. Ryan ends up going to Colombia to rescue the covet ops troops with the help of field agent John Clark, but not before some fence mending between the two, being that Ritter blamed Ryan for the comm outage, with Clark's men subsequently being captured by Cortez's mercenaries.

По роману Тома Клэнси. В ходе операции по задержанию главаря крупного колумбийского наркокартеля, осуществляемой ЦРУ, произошла утечка информации. В результате практически полностью гибнет спецподразделение солдат, задействованное в операции. Доктор Джек Райан, сотрудник ЦРУ, профессионал высочайшего класса, направляется в Колумбию, чтобы на месте разобраться в ситуации и спасти тех, кто остался жив.

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Akivaizdus ir tikras pavojus Lithuania
Amesos kindynos (transliterated title) Greece
Clear and Present Danger United Kingdom
Clear and Present Danger Indonesia
Clear and Present Danger Israel
Clear and Present Danger India
Clear and Present Danger South Korea
Clear and Present Danger Netherlands
Clear and Present Danger Philippines
Clear and Present Danger Singapore
Clear and Present Danger Thailand
Clear and Present Danger USA
Clear and Present Danger South Africa
Clear and Present Danger Australia
Clear and Present Danger Canada
Clear and Present Danger Ecuador
Clear and Present Danger Egypt
Danger immédiat Canada
Danger immédiat France
Dødens karteller Denmark
Hiểm Họa Hiện Hữu Vietnam
Isku Kolumbiaan Finland
Jasné nebezpečenstvo Slovakia
Jasné nebezpečí Czechoslovakia
Das Kartell Austria
Das Kartell West Germany
Neposredna nevarnost Slovenia
Neposredna opasnost Croatia
Overhengende fare Norway
Påtaglig fara Finland
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Peligro inminente Argentina
Peligro inminente Spain
Peligro inminente Mexico
Peligro inminente Peru
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Perigo Imediato Portugal
Perigo Real e Imediato Brazil
Reaalne hädaoht Estonia
Sotto il segno del pericolo Italy
Stan zagrożenia Poland
Végveszélyben Hungary
Άμεσος κίνδυνος Greece
Јасна и непосредна опасност Serbia
Пряма та очевидна загроза Ukraine
Прямая и явная угроза Russia
Реална опасност Bulgaria
मौत का चक्रव्यूह India
今そこにある危機 Japan
迫切的危機 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Thora Birch [12] Sally Ryan

The most successful movies. Year: 1994

1. The Lion King (1994)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 968 511 805
2. Forrest Gump (1994)
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$ 678 151 134
3. True Lies (1994)
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$ 378 882 411
4. The Flintstones (1994)
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$ 341 631 208
5. Dumb & Dumber (1994)
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$ 247 275 374
8. Clear and Present Danger (1994)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 215 887 717
