United Kingdom
This fictionalized story, based on the family life of writer James Jones, is an emotionless slice-of-life story. Jones here is portrayed as Bill Willis (Kris Kristofferson), a former war hero and now successful author who obviously drinks too much and is starting to experience health problems. Living in France with his wife (Barbara Hershey), daughter (Leelee Sobieski), and an adopted son (Jesse Bradford), the family travels an unconventional road that leaves all of them as outsiders to others. Preaching a sexual freedom, his daughter's sexual acceptance begins at an early age and betrays her when the family moves to Hanover in America. Her sexuality is definitely not the normal for American teens and gives her a bad reputation and outcasts her. Meanwhile her brooding brother struggles with his own inner turmoils about his early desertion in life. Only within the tight knit confines of his family is he comfortable to even speak. - John Sacksteder, IMDb
С раннего детства Шанни Уиллис окружали достойные мужчины. Может, ей просто повезло, и поэтому до определенного момента контакты с представителями противоположного пола не вызывали у нее опасений. Взросление Шанни совпало с возвращением их семьи из Европы в Штаты, где раскованность и открытость в отношениях с юношами приводит ее в первый жизненный тупик. Оказалось, что пришло время обдуманных поступков, что не все могут сравниться с ее отцом, любовь к которому она понесет через всю жизнь…
Córka żołnierza nie płacze | Poland |
Elämän sylissä | Finland |
La figlia di un soldato non piange mai | Italy |
Filha de Soldado Nunca Chora | Portugal |
La fille d'un soldat ne pleure jamais | France |
La hija de un soldado nunca llora | Argentina |
La hija de un soldado nunca llora | Spain |
La hija de un soldado nunca llora | Peru |
I kori tou stratioti den klaiei pote (transliterated title) | Greece |
Író és hős | Hungary |
En krigers datter græder aldrig | Denmark |
En soldats datter gråter aldri | Norway |
Soldier's Daughter Never Cries | Australia |
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries | United Kingdom |
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries | Philippines |
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries | USA |
Vojakova dcéra neplače | Slovakia |
Die Zeit der Jugend | West Germany |
Die Zeit der Jugend | Austria |
Η κόρη του στρατιώτη δεν κλαίει ποτέ | Greece |
Дочь солдата никогда не плачет | Russia |
シャンヌのパリ、そしてアメリカ | Japan |
Anthony Decadi [15] | Schoolyard Tease | |
Luisa Conlon | Young Charlotte Anne 'Channe' Willis, Age 7 | |
Leelee Sobieski [15] | Charlotte Anne 'Channe' Willis, Age 14 | |
Samuel Gruen | Benoit / Young Billy Willis, Age 7 |
1. Armageddon (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 553 709 788 |
2. Saving Private Ryan (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 482 349 603 |
3. Godzilla (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 379 014 294 |
4. There's Something About Mary (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 369 884 651 |
5. A Bug's Life (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 363 258 859 |
... | |
100. A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries (1998) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 1 782 005 |