Matt Calder, who lives on a remote farm with his young son Mark, helps two unexpected visitors who lose control of their raft on the nearby river. Harry Weston is a gambler by profession and he is racing to the nearest town to register a mining claim he has won in a poker game. His attractive wife Kay, a former saloon hall girl, is with him. When Calder refuses to let Weston have his only rifle and horse, he simply takes them leaving his wife behind. Unable to defend themselves against a likely Indian attack, Calder, his son and Kay Weston begin the treacherous journey down the river on the raft Weston left behind. - IMDb
Мэтт и Марк Кэлдеры прогоняют Кэй и Харри с реки, что течет рядом с их фермой. Харри пытается тут поселиться и сделать заявку на золотую жилу, которую он бесчестно выиграл в карты, а Кэй собирается выйти за него замуж. Харри крадет у Мэтта лошадь и ружье и уезжает, оставляя всех на милость индейцев, вышедших на тропу войны. Мужчина, женщина и подросток спасаются от краснокожих, сплавляясь по реке на плоту...
Almas perdidas | Argentina |
Almas perdidas | Mexico |
Almas perdidas | Peru |
Almas perdidas | USA |
Almas rebeldes | Venezuela |
Dòng Sông Không Trở Lại | Vietnam |
Dönüşü olmayan nehir | Turkey |
Floden utan återvändo | Finland |
Floden utan återvändo | Sweden |
Fluß ohne Wiederkehr | Austria |
Fluß ohne Wiederkehr | West Germany |
Fluß ohne Wiederkehr | West Germany |
Fluss ohne Wiederkehr | West Germany |
Fluviul fără întoarcere (poster title) | Romania |
A Folyó, ahonnan nincs visszatérés | Hungary |
De Fortaptes elv | Norway |
Joki jolta ei ole paluuta | Finland |
Kaerazaru kawa | Japan |
La magnifica preda | Italy |
O Rio das Almas Perdidas | Brazil |
Potami horis epistrofi (transliterated title) | Greece |
Reka bez povratka (literal title) | Yugoslavia |
Reka brez povratka | Slovenia |
Rijeka bez povratka | Croatia |
Rio Sem Regresso | Portugal |
Río sin retorno | Spain |
Riu sense retorn | Spain |
River of No Return | Australia |
River of No Return | Canada |
River of No Return | United Kingdom |
River of No Return | USA |
Rivier zonder terugkeer | Belgium |
Rivière sans retour | Belgium |
Rivière sans retour | France |
La rivière sans retour | France |
La rivière sans retour | Canada |
Rood khane bedoon-e bazgasht | Iran |
Rzeka bez powrotu | Poland |
Skæbnefloden | Denmark |
Ποτάμι χωρίς επιστροφή | Greece |
Река не течет вспять | Soviet Union |
Реката, от която никой не се завръща | Bulgaria |
大江东去 | China |
大江東去 | Taiwan |
帰らざる河 | Japan |
돌아오지 않는 강 | South Korea |
Tommy Rettig [12] | Mark Calder |
1. A Star Is Born (1954) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 4 348 890 |
2. White Christmas (1954) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 1 097 995 |
3. Shichinin no samurai (1954) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 322 773 |
4. The Barefoot Contessa (1954) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 17 018 |
5. River of No Return (1954) Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $ 8 757 |
... |