Ám Ảnh Kinh Hoàng: Ma Xui Quỷ Khiến |
Vietnam |
La conjuration: Sous l'emprise du diable |
Canada |
The Conjuring - Per ordine del diavolo |
Italy |
The Conjuring 3 - A Obra do Diabo |
Portugal |
Conjuring 3 - Im Bann des Teufels |
West Germany |
Conjuring 3 : Sous l'emprise du Diable |
France |
The Conjuring 3 |
The Conjuring 3 |
India |
The Conjuring 3 (informal title) |
Conjuring 3: Im Bann des Teufels |
Austria |
Conjuring 3: Im Bann des Teufels |
Switzerland |
Conjuring 3: Sous l'emprise du Diable |
Switzerland |
The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Denmark |
The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Sweden |
The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It (complete title) |
Conjuring : Sous l'emprise du Diable |
France |
The Conjuring: Deyyam Naa Cheta Cheyinchindi |
India |
The Conjuring: Saathaan Ennai Aatuviththathu |
India |
Conjuring: Sous l'emprise du Diable (new title) |
Switzerland |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
India |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
India |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Luxembourg |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Netherlands |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Norway |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
New Zealand |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Philippines |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Sweden |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Singapore |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Thailand |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
United Arab Emirates |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
South Africa |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Australia |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Canada |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Ecuador |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Egypt |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
United Kingdom |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Indonesia |
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It |
Ireland |
El Conjuro 3: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo |
Chile |
El Conjuro 3: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo |
Mexico |
El Conjuro 3: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo |
Peru |
El Conjuro 3: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo (original subtitled version) |
Uruguay |
El Conjuro 3: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo |
Costa Rica |
El Conjuro: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo |
Argentina |
El Conjuro: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo |
Mexico |
El Conjuro: El diablo me obligó a hacerlo |
Colombia |
Démonok között 3. - Az ördög kényszerített |
Hungary |
Démonok között: Az ördög kényszerített |
Hungary |
Expediente Warren: Obligado por el demonio |
Spain |
Invocação do Mal 3: A Ordem do Demônio |
Brazil |
Išvarymas 3: Velnias privertė mane tai padaryti |
Lithuania |
Kirottu 3: Paholaisen vallassa |
Finland |
Korku Seansı 3: Katil Şeytan |
Turkey |
Korku Seansı 3: Katil Şeytan |
Turkey |
Kurja kutsumine 3: saatan sundis mind seda tegema |
Estonia |
Ļaunuma izsaukšana: Man to lika darīt velns |
Latvia |
Le'za'men et Ha'Ro'ah 3: Bi'Shlikhout Ha'Satan |
Israel |
Obecność 3: Na rozkaz diabła |
Poland |
Prizivanje zla: Đavo me je naterao |
Serbia |
Prizivanje: Đavo me je prisilio na to |
Bosnia |
Trăind printre demoni 3 |
Moldova |
Trăind printre demoni 3 |
Romania |
Untitled Conjuring Universe Film |
V zajatí démonov 3: Prinútil ma k tomu diabol |
Slovakia |
V zajetí démonů 3: Na Ďáblův příkaz |
Czechoslovakia |
Το κάλεσμα 3: Ο Διάβολος με έβαλε να το κάνω |
Greece |
Заклинанието 3 |
Bulgaria |
Заклинанието 3: Демоничният убиец |
Bulgaria |
Заклятие 3: По воле дьявола |
Russia |
Закляття 3: За велінням диявола |
Ukraine |
Закляття 3: За волею диявола |
Ukraine |
ذا كونجرنغ 3: ذا ديفل ميد مي دو إت |
Saudi Arabia |
厲陰宅3:是惡魔逼我的 |
Taiwan |
招魂3:鬼使神差 |
China |
死霊館 悪魔のせいなら、無罪。 |
Japan |
死霊館3 (informal short title) |
Japan |
詭屋驚凶實錄 3 :魔旨 |
Hong Kong |
컨저링3: 악마가 시켰다 |
South Korea |