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My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2002 March, 17
Czech Republic
100 minutes
Comedy / Drama
Production Company:
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 165 161

A dark and absurd road-movie comedy in which the grandmother fulfills a dream, the mother stops treating her daughters like kids, the daughters stop treating their husbands like idiots, and the father's ashes get spread all over the country. It's almost six months since he died and his ashes are still in grandma's cupboard. Everyone in the family seems to have grieved enough and each has his or her own new problems. Younger daughter, Zuzana is about to leave her husband Pavel for a slightly more successful painter of abstract pictures. Her sister, Ilona, mischievous little Leon's exhausted and pregnant mother, feels neglected by a husband who seems to enjoy referring to her as head-cheese. Their mother, Milada, feels more and more useless and constantly invades Ilona's household offering help and nearly driving her son-in-law crazy. And grandma silently dreams about returning to her hometown in Slovakia at least once before she dies. Thus it's probably no accident that she refuses to bury the ashes of her beloved son in the tiny Czech town where they all live. She merely keeps repeating that his last wish was to be buried in Slovakia where he was born. - IMDb

Картина снята в странном жанре “чёрной семейной комедии”. Семья, состоящая из двух сестёр, мужа одной из них, ребёнка другой, матери и бабушки, отправляется на машинах в Словакию, чтобы захоронить там прах скончавшегося отца. Сложные семейные отношения предсказуемо распутаются в излишне светлом финале, но тем не менее это кино европейского класса, снятое с таким зрелым мастерством, которого никак не ожидаешь от вчерашней студентки.

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Családi titkok Hungary
Excursia Romania
L'excursion France
Familienausflug mit kleinen Geheimnissen West Germany
Małe sekrety Poland
Some Secrets Sweden
Some Secrets  
Le voyage France
Výlet India
Výlet Czechoslovakia
Μυστικά μιας εκδρομής Greece
Семейная поездка Russia

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