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The Illusionist

The Illusionist (USA)
El Ilusionista (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2006 January, 22
Czech Republic
110 minutes
Drama / Mystery / Romance / Thriller
$ 16 500 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 87 892 388


Video (1)

In late nineteenth century Vienna, renowned illusionist Eisenheim is reunited with the Duchess von Teschen when she is volunteered from the audience to participate in an illusion during one of his performances. Despite having not seen each other in fifteen years when they were teenagers, they almost immediately recognize each other as Eduard Abramovich and Sophie von Teschen, they who had a doomed romance at that time due to their class differences. The Duchess is soon to be wed to the Crown Prince Leopold in what would be for him a marriage solely in pursuit of power: overthrowing his father, the Emperor Leopold, as well as overtaking the Hungarian side of the empire. The Crown Prince is known to use violence against women if it suits his needs or purposes. As such, the Duchess, who realizes that she still loves Eisenheim and he her, can never leave the Crown Prince without it jeopardizing her life. After Eisenheim humiliates the Crown Prince at a private show which results in an incident between the Crown Prince and the Duchess, the battle between Eisenheim and the Crown Prince moves into the public performance realm, which many believe demonstrates Eisenheim's supernatural powers. Much of the work for the Crown Prince in the battle with Eisenheim is conducted by Chief Inspector Uhl, who would become the Chief of Police under the Crown Prince's reign. As such, Uhl may have ulterior motives in turning a blind eye to any unlawful act of the Crown Prince against Eisenheim or the Duchess. - IMDb

Вена на рубеже веков. Чародей Айзенхайм использует свои умения, чтобы добиться любви женщины, намного более обеспеченной, чем он сам. Когда она вдруг обручается с принцем, Айзенхайм всеми силами пытается вернуть ее себе, ставя под угрозу незыблемость Венского королевского дома...

Amman ha'ashla'yot Israel
Ảo Thuật Gia Vietnam
Iliuzionistas Lithuania
The Illusionist - L'illusionista Italy
The Illusionist - Nichts ist wie es scheint West Germany
The Illusionist India
The Illusionist India
The Illusionist South Korea
The Illusionist Netherlands
The Illusionist Philippines
The Illusionist Singapore
The Illusionist Thailand
The Illusionist USA
The Illusionist South Africa
The Illusionist United Arab Emirates
The Illusionist Australia
The Illusionist Canada
The Illusionist Ecuador
The Illusionist Egypt
The Illusionist France
The Illusionist United Kingdom
The Illusionist Hong Kong
Illusionisten Denmark
Illusionisten Finland
Illusionisten Sweden
L'illusionniste Canada
L'illusionniste France
Illusioonide meister Estonia
Illusjonisten Norway
El Ilusionista Argentina
El Ilusionista Spain
El Ilusionista Mexico
El Ilusionista USA
El Ilusionista Venezuela
Iluzionist Croatia
Iluzionist Slovenia
Iluzionista Czechoslovakia
Iluzionista Slovakia
Iluzionistul Romania
Iluzjonista Poland
L'il·lusionista Spain
A Mágus Hungary
O Ilusionista Brazil
O Ilusionista Portugal
O magos Eisenheim (transliterated title) Greece
Sihirbaz Turkey
Silmänkääntäjä Finland
Ο μάγος Αϊζενχάιμ Greece
Ілюзіоніст Ukraine
Иллюзионист Russia
Илузиониста Serbia
Илюзионистът Bulgaria
幻影師アイゼンハイム Japan
魔幻至尊 Taiwan
魔术师 China

Children's Cast:

Aaron Taylor-Johnson [15] Young Eisenheim
Eleanor Tomlinson [13] Young Sophie
Laurie Athey Aristocratic Boy
Oliver Blaha Aristocratic Boy
Thomas McEnchroe Aristocratic Boy
Fasihiddin Khasanov Boy Apparition in Audience
Jan Cibulka Boy Apparition on Stage
Elias Bauer Street Urchin Messenger
Dominik Havelka Street Urchin
Robin Ferenc Street Urchin

The most successful movies. Year: 2006

1. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 1 066 179 725
2. The Da Vinci Code (2006)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 758 239 851
3. Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)
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$ 667 036 530
4. Casino Royale (2006)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 616 501 619
5. Night at the Museum (2006)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 574 480 841
49. The Illusionist (2006)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 87 892 388
