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The French Connection

Contacto en Francia (USA)
Doyle (USA: fake working title)
The French Connection (USA)
Popeye (USA: fake working title)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1971 October, 7
104 minutes
Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller
$ 1 800 000
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 51 700 000


When on TV?

19 Jan, 23:30 Rai Movie

Video (1)

Photos (1)

William Friedkin's classic policier was propelled to box-office glory, and a fistful of Oscars, in 1972 by its pedal-to-the-metal filmmaking and fashionably cynical attitude toward law enforcement. Gene Hackman's Popeye Doyle, a brutally pushy New York City narcotics detective, is a dauntless crime fighter and Vietnam-era "pig," a reckless vulgarian whose antics get innocent people killed. Loosely based upon an actual investigation that led to what was then the biggest heroin seizure in U.S. history, the picture traces the efforts of Doyle and his partner (Roy Scheider) to close the pipeline pumping Middle Eastern smack into the States through the French port of Marseilles. (The actual French Connection cops, Eddie Egan and Sonny Grosso, make cameo appearances.) It was widely recognized at the time that Friedkin had lifted a lot of his high-strung technique from the Costa-Gavras thrillers The Sleeping Car Murders and Z--he even imported one of Costa-Gavras's favorite thugs, Marcel Bozzuffi, to play the Euro-trash hit man plugged by Doyle in an elevated train station. There was an impressive official sequel in 1975, French Connection II, directed by John Frankenheimer, which took Popeye to the south of France and got him hooked on horse. A couple of semi-official spinoffs followed, The Seven-Ups, which elevated Scheider to the leading role, and Badge 373, with Robert Duvall stepping in as the pugnacious flatfoot. --David Chute

Крутой и упрямый нью-йоркский полицейский Дойл по кличке "Попай" объявляет настоящую личную войну героиновой мафии. Схватки с бандитами происходят как в Америке, так и во Франции, а сцены автомобильных погонь до сих пор признаны одними из самых захватывающих в кино. Этот супербоевик заслуженно получил пять "Оскаров", в том числе за фильм, режиссуру и сценарий.

Il braccio violento della legge Italy
Brennpunkt Brooklyn West Germany
Brennpunkt New York Norway
Contacto en Francia Argentina
Contacto en Francia Mexico
Contacto en Francia Peru
Contacto en Francia USA
Contacto en Francia Venezuela
Contra el imperio de la droga Spain
Doyle (fake working title) USA
Filiera Franceză Romania
La filière française Canada
La filière France
Francia kapcsolat Hungary
Francoska zveza Slovenia
Francouzská spojka Czechoslovakia
Francouzská spojka/Francouzská spojka: Štvanice Czechoslovakia
Francouzská spojka: Štvanice Czechoslovakia
Franču sakarnieks Latvia
Francuska veza Croatia
Francuski łącznik Poland
Francúzska spojka/Francúzska spojka: Štvanica Slovakia
French Connection France
French Connection Japan
French Connection - Brennpunkt Brooklyn West Germany
French Connection - Brennpunkt Brooklyn West Germany
French Connection - Lagens våldsamma män Sweden
The French Connection India
The French Connection South Korea
The French Connection Netherlands
The French Connection Singapore
The French Connection USA
The French Connection South Africa
The French Connection United Arab Emirates
The French Connection Australia
The French Connection Canada
The French Connection Ecuador
The French Connection Egypt
The French Connection United Kingdom
The French Connection Israel
The French Connection India
Hårdhänta män Finland
Kanunun Kuvveti Turkey
Kẻ Đầu Mối Pháp Vietnam
Kovaotteiset miehet Finland
Lovens skrappe drenge Denmark
Operação França Brazil
Os Incorruptíveis Contra a Droga Portugal
Popeye (fake working title) USA
Prancūzų ryšininkas Lithuania
Rabet-e faransavi Iran
Ο άνθρωπος από τη Γαλλία Greece
Французский связной Soviet Union
Французький зв'язковий Ukraine
Француска веза Serbia
Френска връзка Bulgaria
フレンチ・コネクション Japan
密探霹靂火 Hong Kong
毒网惊魂 China
法国贩毒网 China
霹靂神探 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Eric Jones Little Boy
Melonie Haller Schoolgirl

The most successful movies. Year: 1971

1. The French Connection (1971)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 51 700 000
2. Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 43 819 547
3. Dirty Harry (1971)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 35 976 000
4. The Last Picture Show (1971)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 29 146 131
5. Dzhentlmeny udachi (1971)
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$ 10 560 943
