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Ian Ellis

Position in Top:
- (25755 in total)

Filmography at young age:

1. CBS Children's Film Festival (TV series 1967-1978) .... Dumbo
Episode: The Magnificent Six and a Half
2. The Magnificent Six and ½: The Astronoughts .... Dumbo 1969
3. The Magnificent Six and ½: The Magician .... Dumbo 1969
4. The Magnificent Six and ½: A Lad in the Lamp .... Dumbo 1969
5. The Magnificent Six and ½: Peewee Had a Little Ape .... Dumbo 1969
6. Adventure Weekly (TV series 1968-1969) .... Tubby Taylor / 'Tubby' Taylor
Episode: The Great Treasure Hunt
7. The Magnificent Six and ½: It's Not Cricket .... Dumbo 1968
8. The Magnificent Six and ½: Bob-a-Job .... Dumbo 1968
9. The Magnificent Six and ½: Kontiki Kids .... Dumbo 1968
10. The Magnificent Six and ½: Peewee's Pianola .... Dumbo 1968
11. The Magnificent Six and ½: Billy the Kid .... Dumbo 1968
12. The Magnificent Six and ½: A Good Deed in Time .... Dumbo 1968
13. The Magnificent Six and ½: When Knights Were Bold .... Dumbo 1968
14. The Magnificent Six and ½: Ghosts and Ghoulies .... Dumbo 1967
15. The Sky Bike .... Porker 1967
16. David Copperfield (TV series) .... Kemble
Episode: The New Home
17. The Wednesday Play (TV series) .... Mark
Episode: The End of Arthur's Marriage
18. The Flood .... Charles 1963
19. The War Game .... Boy 1963
20. The Day the Earth Caught Fire .... Michael Stenning 1961
21. Danger Man (TV series 1960-1962) .... Kip Lindsay
Episode: The Conspirators