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Tu voz estéreo (TV series)

Tu voz estéreo (USA)
Your Voice Stereo (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2006 August, 31
Production Company:

Astute rebel journalist is in charge of the popular radio program 'Your Voice Stereo,' where listeners are the protagonists of unusual and dramatic stories, and without realizing it she ends up involved in them. The need to be heard drives listeners to communicate with the program just to let off steam, denounce, share, make a point, or ask for advice or help. But Sara is not alone: Sebastián is her partner of formula. Together they form an altruist and supportive team. The difficulties of the listeners are also theirs. 'Your Voice Stereo' is the space where love stories converge with rebound stories, juvenile stories, and family stories. Abortion, suicide, bulimia, addiction, love, and lack of affection are some of the subjects that attract the attention of viewers in this series. - IMDb

Tu voz estéreo Colombia
Tu voz estéreo Ecuador
Tu voz estéreo Spain
Tu voz estéreo Mexico
Tu voz estéreo USA
Your Voice Stereo United Kingdom
Your Voice Stereo  

Children's Cast:

Cristal Aparicio [14] María Paz
