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Burned at the Stake

Burned at the Stake (Australia)
The Coming (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1982 January, 22
88 minutes
Production Company:

In 1692 a young girl in Salem, Massachusetts, accuses several residents of being witches, and they are burned at the stake. In 1980 a young woman who is a descendant of the accuser finds herself having recurring nightmares about the incident and comes to believe she is being terrorized by the ghost of the father of the women who were burned as witches. - IMDb

Burned at the Stake Australia
Burned at the Stake Ecuador
Burned at the Stake USA
The Coming (Viaje a traves del tiempo) Spain
The Coming United Kingdom
The Coming Norway
The Coming (poster title) USA
Die Nacht des Hexenjägers West Germany
Reencarnación Peru
Sorcellerie France
Testemunha do Diabo Brazil
Tulo Finland
Сожженная на костре Russia

Children's Cast:

Susan Swift [17] Loreen Graham / Ann Putnam
