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Scooter Lowry

Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
May, 1 1989
Position in Top:
- (25746 in total)

Photos (2)

Filmography at young age:

1. Chinatown Charlie .... Oswald 1928
2. Chicken Feed .... Scooter 1927
3. Olympic Games .... Skooter (unconfirmed) 1927
4. Baby Brother .... Scooter 1927
5. Tired Business Men .... Scooter 1927
6. Love My Dog .... Scooter 1927
7. Ten Years Old .... Skooter 1927
8. Seeing the World .... Scooter 1927
9. Bring Home the Turkey .... Scooter 1927
10. Telling Whoppers .... Skooter 1926
11. War Feathers .... Scooter 1926
12. The Fourth Alarm .... Scooter 1926
13. Thundering Fleas .... Skooter 1926
14. Shivering Spooks .... Skooter 1926
15. Uncle Tom's Uncle .... Kid (unconfirmed) 1926