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Mary Thomas

Position in Top:
- (14543 in total)

Filmography at young age:

1. Till We Meet Again .... Orphan 1944
2. This Is the Life .... Bunny 1944
3. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch .... Australia Wiggs 1942
4. Wake Island .... Cynthia Caton 1942
5. The Gay Sisters .... Fiona Gaylord as a Girl of 8 1942
6. Reap the Wild Wind .... Ball Guest 1942
7. Kings Row .... Cassandra Tower - as a Girl 1942
8. Wild Bill Hickok Rides .... Mrs. Kimball's Girl 1942
9. Birth of the Blues .... Child in Theater 1941
10. The Great McGinty .... Mary - Catherine's Girl, Age 6 1940
11. Our Neighbors - The Carters .... Mattie Carter 1939