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Altar Egos

Altar Egos (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2015 September, 3
86 minutes
Comedy / Family
Production Company:

Desperate to see their church grow, Pastor John (Robert Amaya) and his wife Betsy (Erin Bethea) do the unthinkable and change their church Christmas pageant. Flabbergasted, elderly choir director Mary Margaret (Sallie Wanchisn) leads the choir to boycott. Facing termination, Pastor John resorts to disguising himself as an old man to bridge the generation gap, win over Mary, and lead the choir back to the church. When he discovers that the wounds run deeper than he thought, Pastor John must learn to love the unlovable or risk the ruin of his church and family. - IMDb

Altar Egos United Kingdom
Altar Egos USA

Children's Cast:

Bryson Pitts [9] Sick Kid
