United Kingdom
Based on J. M. Barrie's novel Peter and Wendy and inspired by the 1953 animated classic, Peter Pan and Wendy is the timeless tale of a young girl who, defying her parents' wishes to attend boarding school, travels with her two younger brothers to the magical Neverland. There, she meets a boy who refuses to grow up, a tiny fairy and an evil pirate captain, and they soon find themselves on a thrilling and dangerous adventure far, far away from their family and the comforts of home. - IMDb
Венди Дарлинг, молодая девушка, которая боится оставить свой дом детства, встречает Питера Пэна, мальчика, который не хочет взрослеть. Вместе со своими братьями Майклом и Джоном и крошечной феей Динь-Динь она путешествует с Питером в волшебный мир Нетландию. Там Венди встречает злого пиратского капитана Крюка и отправляется в захватывающее и опасное приключение, которое навсегда изменит её жизнь.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 0% | 0 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 100% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
1 |
Pán Péter és Wendy | Hungary |
Peter Pan | USA |
Peter Pan & Wendy | India |
Peter Pan & Wendy | India |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Italy |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Japan |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Philippines |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Singapore |
Peter Pan & Wendy | USA |
Peter Pan & Wendy | USA |
Peter Pan & Wendy | South Africa |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Australia |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Canada |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Canada |
Peter Pan & Wendy | West Germany |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Ecuador |
Peter Pan & Wendy | Spain |
Peter Pan & Wendy | France |
Peter Pan & Wendy | United Kingdom |
Peter Pan a Wendy | Slovakia |
Peter Pan e Wendy | Brazil |
Peter Pan och Lena | Sweden |
Peter Pan y Wendy | Argentina |
Peter Pan y Wendy | Mexico |
Piotruś Pan i Wendy | Poland |
Πίτερ Παν & Γουέντι | Greece |
Пітер Пен і Венді | Ukraine |
Питер Пэн и Венди | Russia |
ピーター・パン&ウェンディ | Japan |
小飛俠與溫蒂 | Taiwan |
Ever Anderson [15] | Wendy Darling | |
Sebastian Billingsley-Rodriguez | Nibs | |
Alexander Molony [16] | Peter Pan | |
Joshua Pickering | John Darling | |
Jacobi Jupe | Michael Darling | |
Florence Bensberg | Curly | |
Noah Matthews Matofsky | Slightly | |
Caelan Edie | Tootles | |
Kelsey Yates | Twin 1 | |
Skyler Yates | Twin 2 | |
Diana Tsoy | Birdie | |
Felix de Sousa | Bellweather |