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The War of the Worlds (mini)

The War of the Worlds (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2019 October, 6
United Kingdom
48 minutes
Drama / Sci-Fi

In London during the Edwardian era, George and Amy's attempt to start a life together is interrupted by a Martian invasion of Earth. - IMDb

La guerra de los mundos Argentina
La guerra de los mundos Spain
Guerra dos Mundos Portugal
La guerre des mondes France
Klodenes kamp Norway
Maailmade sõda Estonia
Maailmojen sota Finland
Războiul lumilor Romania
Válka světů Czechoslovakia
Världarnas krig Finland
Världarnas krig Sweden
Világok harca Hungary
Vojna svetov Slovakia
The War of the Worlds Indonesia
The War of the Worlds Israel
The War of the Worlds India
The War of the Worlds India
The War of the Worlds Italy
The War of the Worlds Mexico
The War of the Worlds Netherlands
The War of the Worlds Philippines
The War of the Worlds Singapore
The War of the Worlds Thailand
The War of the Worlds United Arab Emirates
The War of the Worlds Turkey
The War of the Worlds USA
The War of the Worlds South Africa
The War of the Worlds Australia
The War of the Worlds Canada
The War of the Worlds Canada
The War of the Worlds West Germany
The War of the Worlds Ecuador
The War of the Worlds Egypt
The War of the Worlds United Kingdom
Wojna światów Poland
Війна світів Ukraine
Война миров Russia
Война на световете Bulgaria
宇宙戦争 Japan
우주 전쟁 South Korea

Children's Cast:

Woody Norman George Junior (TV Episode: Revolution)
