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Noc s agamou

The Night of the Agama (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2018 November, 7
Czech Republic
33 minutes
Short / Drama

Photos (1)

Prague, a bus station on a winter's night. Radka, together with her little daughter, a suitcase on wheels, and a gym bag, gets off a bus. Down the streets of the same city, Ludek is taking his time going home, aware that nobody is waiting for him there. For a couple of hours before dawn, what was meant to be a practical encounter between lonesome souls becomes a brief connection that resembles a family. The Night of the Agama is about an encounter between people who rely on the help of others, yet first and foremost must help themselves. - IMDb

The Night of the Agama United Kingdom
The Night of the Agama USA
The Night of the Agama  
Noc s agamou Czechoslovakia