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Pohlmann und die Liebe (TV)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2020 December, 4
89 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Romance
Production Company:

In the life of the architect Tom Pohlmann, everything is optimized down to the last detail. He even works on his weakness, the panic fear of speaking in front of people, with the help of a psychology app - parallel to his morning sports program. The chaotic everyday life of Sarah Wünsche feels completely different: She raises her twelve-year-old son Paul alone, works night shifts and fights for a mini-loan to get her bankrupt kiosk back.In order for two such opposing people to get closer, coincidence has to go to work several times: first in a small traffic accident with a hit and run that almost brings Pohlmann to prison; and then on the children's ward in the hospital, where the notorious speedster does his community hours. There he meets Sarah's son Paul, who suffers from puzzling shortness of breath. By meeting the lonely boy, who reminds him of his own, often painful, childhood, Pohlmann makes a surprising discovery: He can inspire people. His new side impressed not only the hospital team, but also Sarah. On the way to love, however, fate still has a few stumbling blocks in store. Because Pohlmann and his business partner Kilian are not uninvolved in Sarah's worries about Paul. In order to win them over, Pohlmann has to have the courage to dare a completely new beginning on his own. - IMDb

Innamorati per caso Italy
Pohlmann und die Liebe West Germany
Pohlmann und die Zeit der Wünsche (new title)  
Pohlmann und die Zeit der Wünsche West Germany

Children's Cast:

Oskar Netzel Paul Wünsche
Lavinia Burat [9] Julika
Joschua Veit Tom Pohlmann (jung)
Philipp Rathmann Jens Kilian
Caspar Gierden
