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The Keys of the Kingdom

The Keys of the Kingdom (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1944 December, 15
137 minutes
Production Company:
$ 3 000 000


A young priest, Father Chisholm is sent to China to establish a Catholic parish among the non-Christian Chinese. While his boyhood friend, also a priest, flourishes in his calling as a priest in a more Christian area of the world, Father Chisholm struggles. He encounters hostility, isolation, disease, poverty and a variety of set backs which humble him, but make him more determined than ever to succeed. Over the span of many years he gains acceptance and a growing congregation among the Chinese, through his quiet determination, understanding and patience. - IMDb

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Children's Cast:

Peggy Ann Garner [12] Nora - as a Girl
Roddy McDowall [16] Francis Chisholm - as a Boy
Georgie Nokes [8] Andrew
Conrad Binyon [13]
