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A Man from Nowhere

A Man from Nowhere (USA)
Rider from Nowhere (USA: reissue title)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

50 minutes
Action / Adventure / Western
Production Company:

Clay Norton and Duke Fuller are partners in a mining venture and have several claim, none of which have proved particularly successfully but do have promise. They are both in love with Agnes and Clay wins her hand. While he is away to a near-by town to but a wedding ring, Jim Butts who has the best mine in the territory dies and Duke jumps his claim, and sells it for $10,000, and the widow Butts is left penniless. Clay returns and finds out what Duke has done,he demands his partnership share of $5,000, and tells Duke it would be well to see the widow and give her money to go East so she will not cause them any trouble. They go to see the widow together and Clay tells her he will give her $5,000 and forces Duke to do the same. The widow, overcome with the shock of the good fortune faints, and Duke, furious at being tricked rushes from the cabin and meets Agnes, on her way to meet Clay. He takes her to the door of the cabin where she sees the widow Butts in the arms of her sweetheart. Misunderstanding the situation and being told by Duke that Clay is unfaithful to her, she breaks off their engagement. - IMDb

A Man from Nowhere USA
Rider from Nowhere (reissue title) USA

Children's Cast:

Jeanne Carpenter [4] Mrs. Jim Butts
