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Bunny Lake Is Missing

Bunny Lake Is Missing (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1965 October, 3
United Kingdom
107 minutes
Drama / Mystery / Thriller
Production Company:

A woman reports that her young daughter is missing, but there seems to be no evidence that she ever existed. - IMDb

Banii reeku wa yukuefumei Japan
Bunny Lake a disparu Canada
Bunny Lake a disparu France
Bunny Lake a dispărut Romania
Bunny Lake är försvunnen Sweden
Bunny Lake Desapareceu Brazil
Bunny Lake è scomparsa Italy
Bunny lake er savnet Norway
Bunny Lake ha desaparecido Colombia
Bunny Lake ha desaparecido Costa Rica
Bunny Lake ha desaparecido Mexico
Bunny Lake ha desaparecido Panama
Bunny Lake ha desaparecido Venezuela
Bunny Lake ha desaparecido Argentina
Bunny Lake hiányzik Hungary
Bunny Lake Is Missing Australia
Bunny Lake Is Missing Canada
Bunny Lake Is Missing Ecuador
Bunny Lake Is Missing United Kingdom
Bunny Lake Is Missing India
Bunny Lake Is Missing Singapore
Bunny Lake Is Missing USA
Bunny Lake ist verschwunden West Germany
Bunny Lake ist verschwunden West Germany
Bunny Lake je nestala Croatia
Bunny Lake savnes Denmark
Bunny Lake wordt vermist (literal translation of working title) Netherlands
Bunny Lake zaginęła Poland
Bunny on kadonnut Finland
Desapareceu Bunny Lake Portugal
O ypoptos tou pyrgou tou Londinou (transliterated title) Greece
On és la Bunny Lake? Spain
El Rapto de Bunny Lake Spain
Бъни Лейк я няма Bulgaria
Исчезнувшая Банни Лейк Soviet Union
バニーレークは行方不明 Japan

Children's Cast:

Suky Appleby [5] Felicia 'Bunny' Lake
