Recently widowed American opera diva Caterina takes her teenaged son Joe with her on a long singing tour to Italy. Absorbed in her hectic work in various Verdi operas around Rome, Caterina is soon shocked to discover that her troubled and lonely son has become a heroin addict. Her desperate attempts to wean the youth off the drug result in an incestuous relationship, but also in a possibility to reunite Joe--maybe even herself--with his real father, whose existence she has kept a secret from him. - Markku Kuoppamäki, IMDb
Джо, сын-подросток известной оперной певицы Катерины Сильвери, не способный противостоять навалившимся житейским трудностям, находит утешение в наркотиках. Надеясь спасти сына, Катерина рушит все планы и, рискуя карьерой, вместе с Джо едет в Италию. Там живет и работает учителем настоящий отец парня. Катерине удается найти общий язык с сыном, но неожиданно их отношения начинают развиваться совсем не так, как она предполагала...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 33% | 3 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 22% | 2 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 11% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 11% | 1 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 22% | 2 |
9 |
Ay | Turkey |
Bertoluccin kuu | Finland |
A Hold | Hungary |
Księżyc | Poland |
Kuu | Finland |
Luna | United Arab Emirates |
Luna | Australia |
Luna | Denmark |
Luna | United Kingdom |
Luna | Romania |
Luna | Singapore |
Luna | USA |
Luna | South Africa |
La luna | South Korea |
La luna | Mexico |
La luna | Netherlands |
La luna (DVD box title) | Norway |
La luna | Portugal |
La luna | Argentina |
La luna | Brazil |
La luna | Canada |
La luna | Egypt |
La luna | Indonesia |
La luna | India |
La luna | Philippines |
La luna | Thailand |
La luna | Canada |
La luna | West Germany |
La luna | Ecuador |
La luna | Spain |
La luna | France |
La luna | India |
La luna | Italy |
Månen | Sweden |
Mėnulis | Lithuania |
Το φεγγάρι | Greece |
Луна | Bulgaria |
Луна | Soviet Union |
ルナ | Japan |
月神 | China |
Matthew Barry [16] | Joe Silveri | |
Massimiliano Filoni | Piano Mover |