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This Dusty Summer (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2018 October, 13
44 minutes
Production Company:

Small provincial town becomes the scene for a bloody drama: local politician Remezov was murdered. The main suspect is a taxi driver Makarych. The suspect has two adult children who intent to prove their father's innocence. The son Vlad is an FSB official. He was suspended from the investigation, but he cannot stay aside. The daughter Tina is an MMA fighter who has connections with organized crime. Brother and sister have not talked to each other for years, and now they try to seek to the truth separately. Vlad starts suspecting that his father was not as innocent as he thought. And Tina's suspecting Vlad - As well as the main investigator Elena, Vlad's coworker and his ex. She is convinced that Makarych had an accomplice in the FSB. So who would it be if not his own son? Meanwhile, the real murderer, an elusive and untraceable killer nicknamed Artist, remains at large. He has not finished his work, and one of the heroes would have to face a deadly danger. - IMDb

Пожилой таксист Макарыч неожиданно становится главным подозреваемым по делу об убийстве политика Ремезова, кандидата на пост мэра их городка. У Макарыча двое взрослых детей, и каждый из них стремится доказать невиновность отца. Старший сын Влад – сотрудник местного ФСБ, его отстраняют от официального расследования, но остаться в стороне он не может. Младшая дочь Тина пытается докопаться до правды со своей стороны: она участвует в боях без правил и вращается в околокриминальных кругах. Беда в том, что дети Макарыча давно не разговаривают друг с другом, а потому не могут объединить усилия...

This Dusty Summer United Kingdom
This Dusty Summer USA
This Dusty Summer  
Этим пыльным летом Russia

Children's Cast:

Diana Gayunova [6] Yana
