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Fallout (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1999 March, 20
90 minutes
Action / Sci-Fi
Production Company:


NASA and its Soviet-Russian counterpart prepare another mission to the permanent space station. Highly experienced J.J. 'Jim' Hendricks, headstrong at simulator tests, has all qualifications for his bid to became the captain, but after refusing to justify his crash piloting a private airplane is refused command till he carries out his threat to resign altogether. The Russians are preoccupied with an internal problem, a military operation against Tadjikistan, also the home of Captain Previ Federov, who says only his gratitude to America, where he studied too, for making his boyhood dream of space travel come true outweighs his patriotic and personal concerns. Once in position, Federov, who was in league with two other crew members, manages to seize to station, even brought nuclear arms to blackmail the US with a horrendous ultimatum: get Russia to leave Tadzikistan or major US cities will be obliterated, explode the station isn't healthy either. Now the only way to get on board is an experimental craft, and only one man might be able to pilot such a mission: Hendricks, whose notice just became effective... - IMDb

2015 год. Террористы захватывают американскую космическую станцию и угрожают нападением из космоса, если не будут выполнены их требования. Мир в опасности - на землю направлены ракеты с ядерными боеголовками. Элитное подразделение коммандос отправляется на станцию, чтобы разобраться с ситуацией.

Célpont a Föld Hungary
Desenlace nuclear Argentina
Fallout Australia
Fallout Canada
Fallout Ecuador
Fallout United Kingdom
Fallout USA
Fallout - Gefahr aus dem All West Germany
Fallout - Terrorismo nuclear Spain
Kosmiczny terror Poland
Paratolmo shedio Greece
Perigo no Espaço (cable TV title) Brazil
Talci v vesolju Slovenia
Миссия в космосе Russia
危急关头 China
捍卫星际 China

Children's Cast:

Joseph Ashton [12] Ethan
