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Thriller (TV series 1973-1976)

Thriller (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb


Anthology series of self-contained episodes with the genres ranging from murder mystery to suspense to psychological and supernatural horror. - IMDb

Angoisses France
Cero: La hora del suspenso Argentina
Gran cine del misterio Venezuela
Gysertimen Denmark
Misterio Mexico
Tensión Spain
Tensión Spain
Thriller Japan
Thriller Philippines
Thriller Singapore
Thriller USA
Thriller South Africa
Thriller Australia
Thriller Canada
Thriller Canada
Thriller West Germany
Thriller Ecuador
Thriller (rerun title) France
Thriller United Kingdom
Thriller Italy
Триллер Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Richard Beaumont [13] Howard as a child (TV Episode: Only a Scream Away) (1974)
