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Jungle Menace

Jungle Menace (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1937 September, 1
308 minutes
Action / Adventure / Crime
Production Company:

In the Asian province of Seemang where the Bay of Bengal meets the jungle, Chandler Elliott (John St. Polis) owns a large and prosperous rubber plantation. His attractive daughter, Dorothy (Charlotte Henry), is engaged to neighboring planter Tom Banning (William Bakewell) but troubles are brewing for both plantations. When a load of rubber is put on a riverboat to be taken to port, the boat is attacked by river pirates and the crew is killed and the shipment stolen. Jim Murphy (LeRoy Mason). Elliott's plantation manager, is plotting with others to force Elliott to to sell his plantation. Adventurer Frank Hardy (Frank Buck)determines to find out who is behind the plot. - IMDb

La amenaza de la selva Mexico
Jungle Menace United Kingdom
Jungle Menace USA
O Terror da Selva Portugal
El Rey de la jungla Spain
Unhas e Dentes Brazil
吠えろ密林 Japan

Children's Cast:

Sherwood Bailey [14] Paul Marshall [Chs.2-3, 6, 8-10]
