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Mixed-ish (TV series)

Mixed-ish (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

Follows Bow's parents, Paul and Alicia, who are forced to move from a hippie commune to the suburbs to better provide for their family after the dissolution of their cult. - IMDb

Mixed-ish United Kingdom
Mixed-ish Hungary
Mixed-ish Israel
Mixed-ish Italy
Mixed-ish South Korea
Mixed-ish Netherlands
Mixed-ish Philippines
Mixed-ish Singapore
Mixed-ish USA
Mixed-ish South Africa
Mixed-ish Australia
Mixed-ish Brazil
Mixed-ish Canada
Mixed-ish Canada
Mixed-ish West Germany
Mixed-ish Ecuador
Mixed-ish Spain
Mixed-ish France
Разноцветная комедия Russia
ミックスディッシュ シーズン1 Japan

Children's Cast:

Marsai Martin [15] Diane Johnson (TV Episode: Becoming Bow) (2019)
Scarlett Hicks [13] Crystal (TV Episode: Girls Just Want to Have Fun) (2019)
Drew Olivia Tillman [14] Jasmine (TV Episode: It's Tricky) (2020)
Dallas Young Rodney (TV Episode: Let Your Hair Down) (2019)
Luca Luhan Bryce
Ethan William Childress [10] Johan Johnson
Mykal-Michelle Harris [7] Santamonica Johnson
