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Naked City (TV series 1958-1963)

Naked City (Australia)
The Naked City (USA: first season title)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1958 September, 30
60 minutes
Crime / Drama / Thriller


A crime drama that focused on the lives of the detectives of New York's 65th Precinct. The emphasis in the stories was mostly on real-life crime and the human element. Season one stars were Lt. Dan Muldoon and Det. Jim Halloran; seasons 2-4 stars were Det. Adam Flint and Lt. Mike Parker. - IMDb

Alaston kaupunki Finland
Cidade Nua Brazil
A Cidade Nua Portugal
La città in controluce Italy
La ciudad desnuda Spain
La ciudad desnuda Mexico
La ciudad Desnuda Chile
Gnadenlose Stadt West Germany
Gnadenlose Stadt West Germany
Naked City Australia
Naked City Canada
Naked City Canada
Naked City Ecuador
Naked City United Kingdom
Naked City Singapore
Naked City USA
Naked City South Africa
The Naked City (first season title) USA
Обнажённый город Soviet Union
裸の町 (アメリカのテレビドラマ) Japan

Children's Cast:

Deborah Walley [19] Heather Weston (TV Episode: To Walk in Silence) (1960)
Gary Morgan [8] Paulie (TV Episode: Sidewalk Fisherman) (1958)
Luke Halpin [15] Kid #2 (TV Episode: A Horse Has a Big Head - Let Him Worry!) (1962)
Michel Ray [15] Felipe Piedra (TV Episode: A Running of Bulls) (1959)
Donnie Melvin [7] Joey Dennihan / Keith Sonners (TV Episode: Torment Him Much and Hold Him Long) (1962)
Peter J. Votrian [16] Bobbie Staber (TV Episode: Lady Bug, Lady Bug) (1958)
Michael McGreevey [14] Mickey McDavoran (TV Episode: The King of Venus Will Take Care of You) (1962)
Tommy Norden [9] Blind Boy #1 / Paul Delito Jr. (TV Episode: Take Off Your Hat When a Funeral Passes) (1961)
Paul O'Keefe [12] Jack Johannis (TV Episode: Robin Hood and Clarence Darrow, They Went Out with Bow and Arrow) (1963)
Sheldon Collins [6] Pedro (TV Episode: Make-Believe Man) (1961)
Helen Norden Elly Baggett (TV Episode: The Tragic Success of Alfred Tiloff) (1961)
