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Bolshaya poeziya

Great Poetry (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2019 June, 11
Production Company:

Great Poetry is about two guys who live on the outskirts of Moscow and work as cash collectors. They're young, lonely, and all they have in the world is each other. They spend their lives moving money for other people. Dreaming, they attend a poetry class at their local cultural center, and watch cock fights at a dorm for migrant workers. Attempts to find poetry in the prosaic world that surrounds them lead the heroes to the conclusion that the only poetic move they can make is to rob a bank. Paul Claudel wrote that a person lives their life intimately and poetically, and in our film there is a lot of poetry. But the film isn't about words or rhymes. It's about friendship and betrayal, and about our vicious and alien world in which anyone who tries to be honest and consistent ends up looking naive and cruel. It's about the ever-present and incomprehensible force that no matter what makes our life so frantic, strange, and lonely. - IMDb

Два парня из города Железнодорожный работают инкассаторами. Они — одиноки, у них нет никого кроме друг друга. Всю жизнь они перевозят чужие деньги. Мечтают, ходят в поэтический кружок в доме культуры и на петушиные бои в местное общежитие гастарбайтеров. Попытка найти поэтическое настроение в окружающем их прозаическом мире приводят героев к выводу, что единственное подлинно поэтическое действие — ограбление банка.

Bolshaya poeziya West Germany
Didžioji poezija Lithuania
La grande poésie France
Great Poetry  
Great Poetry United Kingdom
Great Poetry India
Great Poetry USA
Velika poezija Bosnia
Velika poezija Croatia
Velika poezija  
Velika poezija Serbia
Velika poezija Slovenia
Wielka poezja Poland
Большая поэзия Russia
Висока поезия Bulgaria

Children's Cast:

Sevastian Bugaev [8] Pavlik
Daniil Myznikov [11] Senya
