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Murder Calls (TV series)

Murder Calls (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2017 January, 1
Documentary / Crime
Production Company:

With haunting, real-life 911 calls as its through-line, Murder Calls is true-crime storytelling taken to a new level. Each episode pivots on the contents and subtext of 911 calls, which investigators must decipher to uncover the truth. - IMDb

911 - Quando a Morte Chama Brazil
Murder Calls United Arab Emirates
Murder Calls West Germany
Murder Calls USA
Presudni pozivi Croatia
Позиви због убиства Serbia
命案電話 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Drew Youngblood Bradley Baquer (TV Episode: Deadlift) (2018)
Samuel Goergen Drew (TV Episode: Death Mask) (2017)
