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Falling for Vermont (TV)

Falling for Vermont (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2017 September, 23
84 minutes
Drama / Romance
Production Company:

Photos (2)

When a best-selling author decides to escape the media frenzy, her plan goes awry when a she's caught in a thunderstorm and crashes her car. Found wandering with no memory and no ID, the town doctor (and a single dad) offers up his guest house until her memory returns. But as she blends seamlessly into their family life, she must decide if the life she's been living is the life she wants. - IMDb

Falling for Vermont Canada
Falling for Vermont Portugal
Falling for Vermont USA
Ljubav u Vermontu Croatia
Ljubav u Vermontu Serbia
Moje serce jest w Vermont Poland
Otoño en Vermont Spain
Perduta nel Vermont Italy
Romance d'automne Canada
Romance d'automne France
Tardor a Vermont Spain
Vermontba feledkezve Hungary
Zaljubljena v Vermontu Slovenia
Влюбиться в Вермонт Russia
Да се влюбиш във Върмонт Bulgaria
Закохатися у Вермонт Ukraine

Children's Cast:

Anthony Bolognese Quinn
Dean Petriw Austin
Ava Grace Cooper Little Girl
