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12 Days of Giving (TV)

12 Days of Giving (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2017 December, 3
85 minutes
Production Company:

Photos (1)

A man who wins a small fortune decides to share his winnings by acting as a Secret Santa to people in a small town. One of the characters chosen is a boy whose father is deceased. The man grows fond of the Boys mother and begins to fall in love with her.... - IMDb

12 dana davanja Serbia
12 Days of Giving United Kingdom
12 Days of Giving Netherlands
12 Days of Giving USA
12 Dias de Presentes Brazil
12 días de regalos Argentina
12 días para regalar Spain
12 giorni di regali Italy
12 Tage lang Geschenke West Germany
Karácsonyi nyeremény Hungary
Le noël du cœur France
Wonderful Dream: Ein Vater zu Weihnachten West Germany

Children's Cast:

Jax Connolly Westin
