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Mein Bruder heißt Robert und ist ein Idiot

My Brother's Name Is Robert and He Is an Idiot (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2018 February, 21

Robert and Elena are twins entangled in a tale of puberty, philosophy and sexuality. - IMDb

Budala Kardeşim Robert Turkey
Kardeşimin Adı Robert, O Bir Salaktır Turkey
Mein Bruder heißt Robert und ist ein Idiot West Germany
Mein Bruder Robert West Germany
Min bror hedder Robert og er en idiot Denmark
Mój brat ma na imię Robert i jest idiotą Poland
Mon frère s'appelle Robert et c'est un idiot France
My Brother Robert  
My Brother's Name Is Robert and He Is an Idiot United Kingdom
My Brother's Name Is Robert and He Is an Idiot India
My Brother's Name Is Robert and He Is an Idiot Japan
My Brother's Name Is Robert and He Is an Idiot USA
My Brother's Name Is Robert and He Is an Idiot  
O Nome do meu Irmão É Robert e Ele É um Idiota Brazil
Моего брата зовут Роберт и он идиот Russia

Children's Cast:

Oskar von Schönfels Robert (jung)
