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The Resident (TV series)

The City (USA)
The Resident (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2018 January, 21
60 minutes

It centers on an idealistic young doctor who begins his first day under the supervision of a tough, brilliant senior resident who pulls the curtain back on all of the good and evil in modern day medicine. Lives may be saved or lost, but expectations will always be shattered. - IMDb

Atlanta Medical West Germany
Bác Sĩ Mỹ Vietnam
The City USA
Doktori Slovakia
Doktoři Czechoslovakia
O Residente Brazil
Le résident Canada
Le résident France
The Resident Hong Kong
The Resident Indonesia
The Resident Israel
The Resident India
The Resident India
The Resident Italy
The Resident South Korea
The Resident Mexico
The Resident Netherlands
The Resident Philippines
The Resident United Arab Emirates
The Resident Poland
The Resident Portugal
The Resident Sweden
The Resident Singapore
The Resident Thailand
The Resident Turkey
The Resident USA
The Resident South Africa
The Resident Argentina
The Resident Australia
The Resident Canada
The Resident Ecuador
The Resident Egypt
The Resident Spain
The Resident United Kingdom
A Rezidens Hungary
Rezidentas Lithuania
Ординатор Russia
Специјализант Serbia
Специализантът Bulgaria
レジデント 型破りな天才研修医 Japan
住院医师 China
住院醫師 Taiwan
驻院医生 China

Children's Cast:

Boden Johnston Son (Football Boy) (TV Episode: Fear Finds a Way) (2019)
Jahi Di'Allo Winston Trevor Conforth (TV Episode: None the Wiser) (2018)
Diego Jorge Rodriguez Corneal Implant Patient (TV Episode: About Time) (2018)
Paxton Singleton Danny Hendricks (TV Episode: If Not Now, When?) (2019)
Blane Crockarell Young Conrad (TV Episode: Nightmares) (2018)
Maiya Frederick Pediatric Patient (TV Episode: 00:42:30) (2018)
Chloe Coleman [12] Lucy Williams (TV Episode: Last Shot) (2020)
Evan Whitten Henry Barnett
Scarlett Blum Josie Ingrams (TV Episode: So Long, Dawn Long) (2020)
Izzy Herbert Younger Nic
Chedi Chang Sammie Ackerman
