A reimagining of the classic series, is an action-adventure drama about 20-something Angus "Mac" MacGyver, who creates the Department of External Services (DXS), a clandestine organization within the U.S. government where he uses his extraordinary talent for unconventional problem-solving and vast scientific knowledge to save lives. Joining his team on high-risk missions around the globe is maverick former CIA agent Jack Dalton; Patricia Thornton, an ex-field agent turned director of operations; and Riley Davis, an unpredictable computer hacker with a chip on her shoulder. At home, MacGyver is entertained by his ambitious roommate, Wilt Bozer. Under the aegis of the Department of External Services, MacGyver takes on the responsibility of saving the world, armed to the teeth with resourcefulness and little more than bubble gum and a paper clip. - IMDb
MacGyver | United Kingdom |
MacGyver | Hong Kong |
MacGyver | Indonesia |
MacGyver | Israel |
MacGyver | India |
MacGyver | India |
MacGyver | Italy |
MacGyver | Mexico |
MacGyver | United Arab Emirates |
MacGyver | Netherlands |
MacGyver | Philippines |
MacGyver | Poland |
MacGyver | Romania |
MacGyver | Sweden |
MacGyver | Singapore |
MacGyver | Thailand |
MacGyver | Turkey |
MacGyver | Taiwan |
MacGyver | USA |
MacGyver | Australia |
MacGyver | South Africa |
MacGyver | Brazil |
MacGyver | Canada |
MacGyver | Canada |
MacGyver | West Germany |
MacGyver | Ecuador |
MacGyver | Egypt |
MacGyver | Spain |
MacGyver | France |
MacGyver 2.0 | Estonia |
MACGYVER/マクガイバー | Japan |
Makgaiveris | Lithuania |
Makgaivers | Latvia |
Nuori MacGyver | Finland |
Μαγκάιβερ | Greece |
МакГайвер | Russia |
Макгайвър | Bulgaria |
Мекгајвер | Serbia |
Новий агент МакГайвер | Ukraine |
맥가이버 | South Korea |
Christopher Convery | Asher Reinman (TV Episode: Kid + Plane + Cable + Truck) (2020) | |
Amiah Miller | Valerie Lawson (TV Episode: Pliers) (2016) | |
Elisha Henig [14] | Ethan Jericho (TV Episode: Skyscraper - Power) (2018) | |
Max Ivutin | Joel (TV Episode: Bravo Lead + Loyalty + Friendship) (2018) | |
Jordan Preston Carter | Kid (TV Episode: Bullet + Pen) (2017) | |
Brady Bond | Cassian (TV Episode: Roulette Wheel + Wire) (2017) | |
Sophia Annabella Kim | Kid on the Plane (TV Episode: Riley + Airplane) (2018) | |
Tierney Smith | Cassie (TV Episode: Lidar + Rogues + Duty) (2019) | |
Skyler Elyse Philpot | Ambassador's Daughter (TV Episode: Chisel) (2016) | |
TJ Wright | Little Bozer (TV Episode: CD-ROM + Hoagie Foil) (2017) |