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Outcast (TV series)

Outcast (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2016 March, 26
60 minutes
Drama / Horror

Video (1)

Photos (1)

A young man searches for answers as to why he's been suffering from supernatural possessions his entire life. - IMDb

Сериал рассказывает о молодом человеке, который пытается понять, почему всю его жизнь с ним происходят различные сверхъестественные вещи.

Atstumtasis Lithuania
Heidikud Estonia
Kẻ Ngoại Đạo Vietnam
Outcast France
Outcast United Kingdom
Outcast Hungary
Outcast Indonesia
Outcast India
Outcast India
Outcast Italy
Outcast South Korea
Outcast Mexico
Outcast Netherlands
Outcast United Arab Emirates
Outcast Philippines
Outcast Sweden
Outcast Singapore
Outcast Turkey
Outcast USA
Outcast South Africa
Outcast Australia
Outcast Brazil
Outcast Canada
Outcast Canada
Outcast West Germany
Outcast Ecuador
Outcast Spain
Outcast: Opętanie Poland
Вигнанець Ukraine
Изгнаник Serbia
Изгой Russia
アウトキャスト Japan

Children's Cast:

Tyler Mazzei [13] Beacon Boy / Young Boy (TV Episode: Not My Job to Judge) (2017)
Callie Brook McClincy Holly Holter (TV Episode: 1.10) (2016)
Zach Shirey young Kyle Barnes (TV Episode: (I Remember) When She Loved Me) (2016)
Madeleine McGraw [8] Amber Barnes (TV Episode: 1.10) (2016)
Gabriel Bateman [12] Joshua Austin (TV Episode: A Darkness Surrounds Him) (2016)
Grayson Thorne Kilpatrick [12] Sammy (TV Episode: Close to Home) (2016)
Carson Holmes Atticus (TV Episode: What Lurks Within) (2016)
Asher Miles Fallica Young Kyle Barnes (TV Episode: Bad Penny) (2017)
