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Bermuda-Dreieck Nordsee (TV)

Bermuda Triangle North Sea (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2011 September, 25
127 minutes
Action / Adventure / Thriller
Production Company:
$ 7 500 000

BERMUDA-TRIANGLE NORTH SEA takes the audience into the dramatic world of Global Warming caused by Carbon dioxide emissions and its dumping under the North Sea seabed which is, in times of climate change, trend-setting and in terms of money, a lucrative business. But is it safe? - IMDb

Abismo en el mar del norte Spain
Abismo en el mar del Norte Spain
Bermuda Triangle North Sea USA
Bermuda-Dreieck in der Nordsee West Germany
Bermuda-Dreieck Nordsee West Germany
Bermudas: Abismo en el mar del Norte Spain
Earth Rage Japan
Az Északi-háromszög Hungary
Le triangle de l'apocalypse France
Il triangolo delle Bermuda - Mare del Nord Italy
Triângulo das Bermudas no Mar do Norte Brazil
Trójkąt Bermudzki na Morzu Północnym Poland
Бермудский треугольник: Северное море Russia

Children's Cast:

Vincent Grages [8] Patrick
Paul Maximilian Schüller [12] Hennes
