The story of writer Charles Bukowski's formative years from childhood to high school and his struggles with an abusive father, disfiguring acne, alcohol addiction, and his initial attempts at writing. - IMDb
Bukowski | Australia |
Bukowski | Canada |
Bukowski | United Kingdom |
Bukowski | Italy |
Bukowski | USA |
Cole Sand | David | |
Sam Cohen [14] | Gable | |
Matthew Glen Johnson [13] | Ben | |
William Leon [13] | Jr. High School Boy | |
Jadon Sand | Hank Bukowski (age 6) | |
Miles Elliot | Ron Miller | |
Ella Anderson [8] | Lily Jane | |
Casey Simpson [9] | Pin the Tail on The Donkey | |
Ryan Quinn Smith | Chris | |
Garren Stitt | Rick |