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Just Short of Sidekick

Just Short of Sidekick (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2013 September, 6
10 minutes
Short / Action / Comedy / Family
Production Company:

Photos (1)

In a dark and lonely world, a school janitor, Mills, a nasty man, mostly spends his days alone until Cody, a hopeful young student, begins waiting after school for his dad to pick him up everyday. After Cody accidentally makes a mess, Mills becomes annoyed by Cody's presence and attempts to scare Cody out of the school in a number of ways...but Cody won't have it. Using Janitor supplies, they decide to duke it out to settle the score. A SPRAY BOTTLE FIGHT. Finding themselves evenly matched. Cody and Mills deal with each others presence begrudgingly. Finally, Mills interrogates Cody to figure out why he has to wait after school everyday. Cody tells Mills that his mom is not around, his dad works late...and he doesn't want to walk home alone. Mills, normally a tough guy, is surprisingly touched by Cody's story. He decides to walk Cody home. Day after day, walk, after walk, Cody and Mills become close friends. Cody admits that he has always wanted to be a superhero. Mills supports him because he feels that no one else will, he tells Cody that he can be his sidekick. One day when they are walking home...Cody and Mills accidentally encounter a dangerous crime which forces them back to reality. Mills stops an eager Cody from trying to stop the crime, causing Cody to lose faith in Mills ever being a superhero. Mills, struggling with his bad guy complexion, decides to try to stop the crime on his own. - IMDb

В темном и одиноком мире жили-были школьный уборщик Миллз и мальчик Коди, которого всегда забирали из школы последним. Сначала постоянное присутствие Коди в коридоре раздражало Миллза, но после одного случая многое поменялось. Коди рассказал Миллзу, что не знает, где его мама, что его папа работатет допоздна, и что сам он всегда хотел быть супергероем.

Just Short of Sidekick USA

Children's Cast:

Chase Bolnick Cody
