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My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1968 October, 18
West Germany
133 minutes
Drama / History

The Roman Emperor Trajan has just murdered all the local men of Dacia and holds a military stronghold in what will later become Rumania. He places a Roman centurion in his place to occupy his latest conquest. After lopping off the head of the Dacian warlord, the soldier uses his blood-stained hands to dine on cheese and bread, unable to suppress his laughter. The centurion has a change of heart when he is put in charge of the region, freely dispensing justice and forgiveness to the conquered inhabitants. When the peace is threatened by marauding barbarians in masks of fur, the locals help the Romans fend off the invasion. - IMDb

La colonna di Traiano Italy
The Column  
Columna Romania
Columna lui Trajan Romania
Kolumna Trajana Poland
O Tirano Brazil
O Tyrannos (transliterated title) Greece
Die Säule des Trajan East Germany
El Tirano Argentina
Traianus oszlopa Hungary
Trajan's Column  
Trajans Säule West Germany
Trajánuv sloup Czechoslovakia
Der Tyrann West Germany
Колона Ukraine
Колоната на Траян Bulgaria
Колонна Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Bogdan Untaru [9]
