Using his own terminology, Billy Pilgrim is "unstuck in time", which means he is moving between different points in his life uncontrollably, although he is aware of it at certain of those points as witnessed by the letter to the editor he writes to the Ilium Daily News about his situation. Primarily, he is moving between three general time periods and locations. The first is his stint as a GI during WWII, when, as a pacifist, he was acting as assistant chaplain for his squad. This time is largely as a POW, where he was in Dresden the day of the bombing, spending it with among others an older compassionate GI named Edgar Derby, and a brash loudmouth GI named Paul Lazzaro. The second is his life as an optometrist in Ilium in upstate New York, eventually married to the wealthy and overbearing Valencia Merble, and having two offspring, Robert, who would spend his teenaged years as a semi-delinquent, and Barbara, who would end up much like her mother. And the third is as an abductee on the planet Tralfamadore, along with his devoted dog Spot, and Hollywood starlet Montana Wildhack - who was not averse to taking off her clothes to further her career - the Tralfamadorians who have put them on display. The more time he spends on Tralfamadore, the more he understands the meaning of what is happening to him. - IMDb
По роману Курта Воннегута "Бойня № 5". Последствия Второй мировой войны сказались на многих обычных людях. Очень странный эффект оказывает война на молодого американского солдата Билли Пилгрима. Билли побывал в плену у немцев и пережил бомбежку Дрездена в 1945 году, после чего жизнь этого человека распалась на несколько "сюжетных линий". Он живет одновременно в своем прошлом, настоящем и будущем. В прошлом - Билли так и остался рядовым американским солдатом; в настоящем - обыкновенный служащий, супруг малопривлекательной особы и отец толстых ребятишек. Ловушка безысходной жизни подстерегает неудачника Билли даже в будущем: он станет гордостью и самым оберегаемым питомцем зоопарка, расположенного на планете Тральфомадор.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 17% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 33% | 2 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 33% | 2 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 17% | 1 |
6 |
Abatorul - cinci | Romania |
Abattoir 5 | Canada |
Abattoir 5 | France |
Beit mitbahayim hamesh | Israel |
Jatka č. 5 | Czechoslovakia |
Klanica pet | Serbia |
Lò Sát Sinh Số 5 | Vietnam |
Matadero cinco | Argentina |
Matadero cinco | Colombia |
Matadero cinco | Spain |
Matadouro 5 | Brazil |
Matadouro 5 | Portugal |
Matadouro Cinco | Brazil |
Mattatoio 5 | Italy |
Mezbaha No.5 | Turkey |
Az Ötös számú vágóhíd | Hungary |
Rzeźnia nr 5 | Poland |
Schlachthof 5 | West Germany |
Schlachthof 5 | West Germany |
Sfageio yp' arithmon 5 (transliterated title) | Greece |
Skerdykla Nr. 5 | Lithuania |
Slachthuis 5 | Belgium |
Slagtehus 5 | Denmark |
Slaktehus 5 | Norway |
Slakthus 5 (alternative spelling) | Norway |
Slakthus 5 | Sweden |
Slaughterhouse-Five | Australia |
Slaughterhouse-Five | Canada |
Slaughterhouse-Five | Ecuador |
Slaughterhouse-Five | United Kingdom |
Slaughterhouse-Five | USA |
Teurastamo 5 | Finland |
Σφαγείο νούμερο 5 | Greece |
Σφαγείο υπ' αριθμόν 5 | Greece |
Бійня номер п'ять | Ukraine |
Бойня номер пять | Soviet Union |
Кланица 5 | Bulgaria |
スローターハウス5 | Japan |
Josh Albee [12] |