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The Vice (TV series)

The Vice (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1999 January, 4
United Kingdom
90 minutes
Crime / Drama
Production Company:

The veteran Inspector Chappel heads up the Metropolitan vice squad as he and his team investigate prostitution and pornography in the London sex trade. - IMDb

Begærets lov Denmark
Brottsplats Soho Sweden
Siveyspoliisi Finland
The Vice USA
The Vice South Africa
The Vice Australia
The Vice Canada
The Vice Canada
The Vice West Germany
The Vice United Kingdom
The Vice Japan
The Vice Philippines
The Vice Singapore
Порок Russia

Children's Cast:

Liam Barr Ian (TV Episode: Sons: Part 2) (1999)
Will Harrow [9] Boy (TV Episode: Lovesick: Part 1) (2000)
Raymond Pickard [17] Brendan Fitzsimmonds (TV Episode: Sons: Part 1) (1999)
Leah-Verity White Kayleigh (TV Episode: One More Time) (2002)
