Eleven-year-old Martin is a basically good boy. Unfortunately each time he decides to give a hand things end in disaster. This summer, he has been invited to spend a vacation at the Hotel Nautilus by his friend Vincent's parents. This is a great place for kids with its cabin hidden among the branches of a tree they call the "baobab". The trouble is that this year a holiday camp settles nearby and that those trespassers immediately undertake to appropriate the "baobab". The war is declared... - IMDb
Десятилетний Мартэн отправляется вместе со своим другом Винсэном и его родителями на каникулы в семейный пансионат. Там по соседству лагерь, много детей, шум, игры и веселье. А еще огромный старый дуб, на котором построен шалаш. И рядом – старинный замок, где по слухам живет приведение. Вот где настоящие тайны и приключения!
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 0% | 0 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 17% | 1 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 33% | 2 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 17% | 1 |
3 | 17% | 1 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 17% | 1 |
6 |
C'est pas ma faute ! | France |
Ei se mun syy ollut | Finland |
Ferien und andere Katastrophen | West Germany |
I Didn't Do It! | United Kingdom |
I Didn't Do It! | USA |
I Didn't Do It! | |
Kétbalkezes kiskölyök | Hungary |
To nie moja wina | Poland |
Я не виноват | Russia |
Hugo Florsheimer [8] | Jojo | |
Julián Gutiérrez [13] | Nicolas | |
Jérôme Hardelay [13] | Vincent | |
Mandiaye Ba | Ba | |
Teddy Beaudoin [13] | Greg | |
Shaun Carvais | Edouard | |
Giulia Demont [12] | Mylène | |
Patrick Esilva [14] | Icham | |
Jeanne Frigière | Morgane | |
Eugénie Gendron | Charlotte | |
Élodie Hesme | Valérie | |
Gautier Kusnierek [15] | Martin Raynaud | |
Martin Mihelich | Kim | |
Jean-Philippe Piochelle | Tony |