The series follows Jessie Prescott, a young woman from a small town with big dreams who, rebelling against her strict father, decides to leave the military base in Texas where she grew up and moves to New York City. She accepts a job as a nanny and moves into a multi-million dollar penthouse on the Upper West Side with the wealthy Ross family which includes: jet-setting parents, Morgan and Christina; and their four rambunctious children: Emma, Luke, Ravi and Zuri; along with the family pet (and Ravi's companion) Mr. (later Mrs.) Kipling, a 7 ft (2 m) Asian water monitor, that was later revealed to be a female. With a whole new world of experiences open to her, Jessie embarks on new adventures in the big city as she grows to rely on the love and support of the children in her care. Assisting her are Bertram, the family's sarcastic butler, and Tony, the building's 20-year-old doorman. - IMDb
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 0% | 0 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 100% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
1 |
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Jessie | India |
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Jessie | Canada |
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ジェシー! | Japan |
小潔的保姆日記 | Taiwan |
Karan Brar [12] | Ravi Ross (TV Episode: Jessie Goes to Hollywood) (2011) | |
Max Charles [9] | Axel (TV Episode: World Wide Web of Lies) (2012) | |
Jace Norman [12] | Finch (TV Episode: Are You Cooler Than a 5th Grader) (2012) | |
Bradley Steven Perry [15] | Gabe Duncan (TV Episode: Good Luck Jessie: New York City Christmas) (2013) | |
Skai Jackson [9] | Zuri Ross (TV Episode: Jessie Goes to Hollywood) (2011) | |
Cameron Boyce [12] | Luke Ross (TV Episode: Jessie Goes to Hollywood) (2011) | |
Sierra McCormick [14] | Connie Thompson (TV Episode: Creepy Connie Comes a Callin') (2011) | |
Peyton List [13] | Emma Ross (TV Episode: Jessie Goes to Hollywood) (2011) | |
Laura Marano [17] | Ally Dawson (TV Episode: Nanny in Miami) (2012) | |
Ross Lynch [17] | Austin Moon (TV Episode: Nanny in Miami) (2012) | |
Jackson Odell [16] | Gale (TV Episode: Punched Dumped Love) (2013) | |
Alexander Arzu | Kid in Park (TV Episode: Gotcha Day) (2012) | |
Nikki Hahn [10] | Lindsay (TV Episode: Beauty and the Beasts) (2012) | |
J.J. Totah | Stuart Wooten (TV Episode: The Ghostest with the Mostest) (2013) | |
Grace Kaufman | Tanya Weston (TV Episode: A Doll's Outhouse) (2012) | |
Kyla-Drew [10] | Taylor Harris (TV Episode: From the White House to Our House) (2014) | |
Jack Griffo [17] | Brett Summers (TV Episode: Somebunny's in Trouble) (2013) | |
Izzy Palmieri | Rachel Kapowski (TV Episode: Punched Dumped Love) (2013) | |
Francesca Capaldi | Madeline (TV Episode: What a Steal) (2015) | |
Jaden Martin | Martin (TV Episode: Dance, Dance, Resolution) (2015) |