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Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur (TV)

Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1994 November, 14
New Zealand
90 minutes
Fantasy / Action / Adventure


Hercules has settled down with his wife and children, but misses the good old days travelling around having exciting adventures. Then one day he is persuaded out of his farming "retirement" to help a distant village which is being attacked by an unseen monster. - IMDb

Позабыв о подвигах, остепенившийся Геркулес ведет спокойную жизнь с женой Деянирой и детьми, когда посланники обращаются к нему с просьбой защитить их несчастную деревню от невиданного монстра — Минотавра…

Hercule et le labyrinthe du Minotaure France
Hércules e o Labirinto do Minotauro Brazil
Hércules en el laberinto del minotauro Spain
Hercules im Labyrinth des Minotaurus West Germany
Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur Canada
Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur New Zealand
Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur United Kingdom
Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur USA
Hercules nel labirinto del Minotauro Italy
Hércules no Labirinto Portugal
Hércules no Labirinto do Minotauro Brazil
Hércules y el laberinto del Minotauro Venezuela
Herkules a Minotaurovo bludiště Czechoslovakia
Herkules a Minotaurusz útvesztőjében Hungary
Herkules v bludisku Minotaura Slovakia
O Iraklis kai o lavyrinthos tou Minotavrou (transliterated title) Greece
Геракл в пещере Минотавра Russia
Геракл у печері Мінотавра Ukraine
Херкул у Минотауровом лавиринту Serbia
Херкулес в лабиринта на Минотавъра Bulgaria

Children's Cast:

Simon Lewthwaite Klonus
Paul McIver Aeson
Rose McIver [6] Ilea
