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Prime Suspect: The Scent of Darkness (TV)

Prime Suspect 4: The Scent of Darkness (United Kingdom)
Prime Suspect: The Scent of Darkness (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1995 May, 15
United Kingdom
105 minutes
Crime / Drama / Mystery
Production Company:


A series of horrific murders of women in a pattern very similar to a previous series of murder Police Detective Jane Tennison investigated lends support to a growing popular feeling that she arrested the wrong man, who has always claimed his innocence. Jane refuses to accept that possibility and orders her team to investigate the new murders to the exclusion of reviewing the older ones. The growing friction of the suspicions of her fellow officers and her own convictions lead to her being taken off the case as being biased. Now, she must try to restore her professional reputation while investigating elements of the case on her own. - IMDb

Epäilyksen polttopiste: Pimeyden haju Finland
Główny podejrzany: Zapach ciemności Poland
Heißer Verdacht - Der Duft des Todes West Germany
Mistænkt - Duft af mørke Denmark
Prime Suspect 4: The Scent of Darkness United Kingdom
Prime Suspect: The Scent of Darkness United Kingdom
Principal sospechoso: El aroma del miedo Spain
Главный подозреваемый 4: Запах темноты Russia
第一容疑者 死者の香水 Japan
第一容疑者6 Japan

Children's Cast:

Scott Neal [16] Geoff
Glen Berry [17] Wayne
